Each year there’s a limited opening for A small number of people to partner up with Giselle so they can be sovereign and co-create their life with energetic and spiritual support.

responding to life’s needs and circumstances energetically and spiritually - in a guided way - often leads to much better outcomes compareD with less holistic approaches.

Since the ancient times people, and especially people of great power and means, valued the support and guidance of a Spiritual Mentor.

Depending on the time period and region these individuals were called Priestesses, Seers, Oracles, Healers and many other titles and names. Yet their work to guide, bring forth, restore and/maintain one’s spiritual and energetic well-being was very similar to each other, differing only due to the particular culture or tradition.

As time passed this support system became more accessible and available for more and more people. You don’t have to be King Arthur to have your own “Merlin.”

Over the years Giselle has partnered up, walked alongside and supported individuals who asked her to guide and work with them for a period of time. Sometimes mentoring and teaching were the main goals of journeying together and at others it was energy work, transformative healing and guidance.

what’s invovled


These partnerships take place over an extended period of six months or a year. Which allows for enough time to work with any transformations that might need consistent attention and time to manifest.

You might be experiencing a particularly busy or intense period and might want to walk with a guide rather than alone. Or you may have many dreams and goals ahead that require additional support.

During your time together Giselle will offer support, empowerment, energetic clearing and energy work as well as personal coaching. She will help you see various angles, probabilities and new steps and amplify your own intelligence and intuition to help you make clear choices.

empowering you

This is a journey that needs to be respected. It is about empowering you to create the life you desire! Giselle will walk alongside you in helping you to trust and claim your own authority. However, she is not a “psychic on tap”. And this is not a space for you outsourcing and avoiding decisions. This is about utilizing your own intelligence and intuition as your decisions should be your own. Giselle’s role is to support you in seeing expanded perspectives and helping you address and clear what may be undermining you or getting in the way of your ability to see and experience your own potential, wisdom and guidance.

You are your own sovereign being. You get to take the guidance and steps that resonate with you and let them inform you in making your own moves.

Giselle has never claimed credit for anyone’s brilliance and is always grateful when she can have any part in revealing that brilliance and its potentials.


While the occasional 1:1 sessions are opportunities for more people to get to work with Giselle these sessions also have varying wait times as well as very clear boundaries and take place within the intended duration of time for each meeting.

In this program while you’ll get to go ahead and schedule your sessions you’ll also have the opportunity for priority access. This means you will be able to reach her much more swiftly when needed. Your energy exchange and payment is a retainer that will cover various services and support within that period of time—of course, within reason, and in a balanced way for both parties involved.

This extended work is only available to less than a handful of people. This means Giselle is more accessible and readily available when support is required outside of an already planned meeting.