

AngelWork is a new and progressive spiritual coaching and healing modality developed by Giselle. It is the culmination of her two decades of working with tens of thousands individuals and groups throughout the world—as well decades of research, study and meditation. It is a non-denominational, and inclusive modality that strives for a non-judmental approach in every step—free of dogmas, religious bias and binary thinking and/or rigidity. It’s a way of intuitively working with the energy of people, spaces and circumstances with the help of the Angels and Archangels. The practice and application of techniques and meditations (nor benefiting from them) does not require the practitioner or the person to have any specific religious beliefs or a religion.

experience the power of angels

  • liberating

    The energetic clearing and freedom from limiting, draining and/or otherwise negatively influencing energies can be feel deeply liberating!

  • receive clarity

    When the individual energy field of the person is cleared from obstructing energies, clarity becomes much more accessible.

  • Divine connection

    You are the Soul! Angels can help you gain freedom, and clarity to help you discover and experience your own innate-divinity.


Interested in working with Giselle and experiencing the healing of Angels? Please note there is a current waiting time of 6 -8 weeks.


what happens in an angelwork healing session?

There’s so much inherent beauty, wisdom and divinity in everyone and with the help of the Angels we can chip away whatever is obstructing or limiting you to reveal your own radiance and energy. Giselle works with the Angels and Archangels to clear, harmonize and even reorient someone to their Divine Design.

How long do the sessions run for?

Typically an AngelWork session can run between 30mins to 1 hour depending on what work is required. We recommend an hour session for your initial appointment.

how many times can I book for an angelwork session?

As with any healing journey, it can happen in layers. It may take several sessions or it may take one. It really depends on the person, their readiness, willingness and openness to heal along with their specific soul lessons.

How are the sessions held?

All sessions are conducted on Zoom. Information and links are provided upon booking.

How can I best prepare for an angelwork session?

It is recommended to come to the session well rested and hydrated. In the days prior to your session, try and have quiet, reflective and contemplative time to ground your energies and focus your intention on using this opportunity for your highest good, being open to the wisdom and guidance of your Angels and Higher Self, and jotting down some specific questions you have for Giselle, your Angels and your Higher Self. It is also best not to consume alcohol 24 prior to your session.

what happens after i log into the zoom room for my session?

Please note that on occassion, Giselle will require some time between sessions to ground and clear her energy before starting the next session.  If this is the case she could be a few minutes late. All sessions are scheduled within a time range to cater for this fluctuation.

these sessions are not intended to and cannot replace professional advice - financial, legal, medical or otherwise. 

Giselle also cannot make a decision or choice on your behalf, as these are yours and yours alone to make. 

Additionally, Giselle is not responsible for the choices you make as a result of your session.